Feed Grade

Feed Grade


Feed Grade Cellulase Cas 9012-54-8

Cellulase (β-1,4-glucan-4-glucan hydrolase) is the general name for a group of enzymes that degrade cellulose to produce glucose. It is not a monomeric enzyme, but a multi-component group that acts synergistically. The enzyme system is a complex enzyme, mainly composed of exo-β-glucanase, endo-β-glucanase and β-glucosidase, as well as highly active xylanase. Acts on cellulose and products derived from cellulose. Microbial cellulase is of great significance in converting insoluble cellulose into glucose and destroying cell walls in fruit and vegetable juices to increase juice yield. Feed cellulase is an enzyme preparation specially used in animal feed. It can decompose the cellulose in the feed and improve the digestibility and nutritional value of the feed. The enzyme preparation usually consists of a variety of enzymes, including exo-β-glucanase, endo-β-glucanase and β-glucosidase, etc. These enzymes can work synergistically to effectively degrade cellulose.

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Feed Grade Alkaline Protease Cas 9014-01-1

Feed grade alkaline protease is an enzyme preparation specially used in the feed industry and is a serine endoprotease. It can effectively improve the digestion and absorption rate of protein in feed and promote the growth and development of animals. Enzyme preparations used for feed processing have efficient protein degradation capabilities and perform better under weakly alkaline conditions.

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Feed Grade Neutral Protease Cas 9068-59-1

Neutral protease feed grade is an enzyme preparation specially used in the feed industry, extracted and purified through biotechnological means. This product can effectively degrade the protein in the feed and convert it into small molecule peptides and amino acids that are easily absorbed by animals, thus improving the nutritional value and utilization of the feed.

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Feed Grade Acid Protease Cas 9025-49-4

Acid protease feed grade product is an enzyme preparation produced through microbial fermentation. It can effectively hydrolyze protein in feed under low pH conditions to generate amino acids and peptides, thereby improving the nutritional value of feed. The product is in powder or liquid form and is easy to mix evenly with feed.

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Feed Grade β-glucanase Cas 9025-70-1

β-Glucanase is an enzyme preparation that can efficiently break down β-glucan in the endosperm cell walls of wheat and cereal plants. In the field of feed, it can significantly increase the nutritional value of feed and reduce the content of anti-nutritional factors, thereby improving the absorption of nutrients by livestock and poultry, increasing the growth rate and feed conversion efficiency of livestock and poultry.

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Feed Grade β-mannanase Cas 37288-54-3

β-Mannanase is a multifunctional growth-promoting agent that can promote the secretion of insulin-like growth factor IGF-I, promote protein synthesis, increase lean meat rate, and promote growth. β-mannanase (endo-1,4-β-mannanase) contains amylase, xylanase, cellulase, protease, pectinase, etc.; β-Mannanase is an enzyme preparation specifically used to degrade β-mannan and is usually used in feed production. It helps improve the digestibility of beta-mannan in feed and enhances the animal's ability to absorb it. It is developed using modern fermentation and enzyme engineering technology and combined with the physiological characteristics of livestock and poultry. It is a high-tech green biological additive.

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Feed Grade Xylanase Cas 9025-57-4

Xylanase is an enzyme product whose main function is to hydrolyze xylan in wood fibers and break it down into xylose and other monosaccharide units. This enzyme is a key biocatalyst, particularly suitable for the efficient utilization of lignocellulosic resources.

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α-amylase Cas 9000-90-2

Alpha-amylase is an enzyme product whose main function is to play a role in the hydrolysis of starch. It is an enzyme capable of hydrolyzing starch, specifically alpha-1,4-glycosidic bonds, thereby breaking down starch into smaller polysaccharide or monosaccharide units.

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